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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time To Update

Right now Chris is still working at the plasma center and the Rigby Fire department. He is also taking an EMT class. As you can tell he's keeping pretty busy. On top of that it is fall his absolute favorite time of year because that means hunting season.
As for me I've just been enjoying being a mom and watching Carter grow. I am also glad that fall is here because maybe now I'll start cooking again!
Carter is growing and changing like crazy! Today I was letting him suck on my finger, which I don't usually do and to my suprise I felt something sticking out of his bottom gums...that's right Carter has already got his first tooth. I couldn't believe it! I wasn't even watching for signs of him teething because I thought it would be atleast another month before I had to worry about that. He has also been rolling over for over a month now! He laughs and grabs at everything. One funny thing about Carter is that not only does he grab things with his hands but he grabs things with his feet! Today he was playing with a plastic cup and he was holding it with his feet.

My Little Man

A while back my good friend Natelie sent me some pictures that she took of Carter when he was just a week old. I couldn't believe how little he used to be. Here are some of the pictures

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Carter Update!

Carter is growing up so fast! Some of the new things he has been doing are: laughing, chabbering, rolling to his side, grabbing his toes (he tries so hard to get them to his mouth but just can't seem to do it!) and our favorite is when we blow bubbles with our tongue he copies us and blows bubbles back.