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Monday, February 8, 2010

This and that

This is Carters face after coming in contact with a butterscotch chip. Butterscotch chips have a little milk in them and if anything has even the slightest bit of milk in it and it touches Carter he breaks out in hives. Even if I eat a piece of cheese then give him a kiss on the cheek he breaks out in hives! It's kind of scary. I hope he grows out of this food allergy someday so that we have more options to feed him. I'm suprised at how many things we find that have milk in it

My family bought this shirt for Carter a few weeks after he was born. So I'm putting a picture of him in it on the blog so they can see him wearing it, before he has grown out of it.

My little man is not so little anymore! He's still really cute though.

Cute boy playing with his tractor

Carter is not a huge eater. At least when it comes to solid food. Between his milk allergy and his picky attitude it is really hard to know what to feed him. Feel free to send any suggestions my way.


Clare said...

Oh, that's so hard that you have to deal with that milk allergy. I don't know that I have any help for you, though. Cami still will try just about anything & if Adam sees that you have food and he does, he has a fit.

Rachael Smith said...

i'm so exited to come see him next weekend!!! yah!!!! He's hilarious@!